How strong is our composite superstructure ?

In the top image you can clearly see the Sandwich Pattern of the Composite Superstructure made in-house. The wave pattern comes from Fiber Glass. The black lines are the Carbon Fiber Layer on top and in between.

The metallic object is the connector for the Stepper Motor for the Y Axis.

Flexural Test

Tensile Test

Why Akriti’s Composite CNC Machines are the Lightweight Champions of Precision

In the bustling workshop, the rhythmic hum of CNC machines echoes like a metalworker’s mantra. These tireless workhorses, sculpted from steel and aluminum, have long been the backbone of precision manufacturing. But amidst the clang and clatter, a quiet revolution is brewing. Enter Akriti Precision Systems, where the future of CNC stands not on a steel pedestal, but on a sleek, composite throne. For decades, metal has reigned supreme in the CNC kingdom. Its strength and rigidity were seen as unassailable virtues, the cornerstones of accuracy and durability. But like an over-armored knight, these metal behemoths carried the burden of their own weight. Slow, energy-hungry, and prone to thermal drift, they often felt like bruisers in a ballerina’s world. Composite CNC Machines are the new Lightweight Champions of Precision and the future of machniing in certain aspects.

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